Hello Lincolnton Downtown Merchants/Establishments...
The 2025 Lincoln County Apple Festival would like to offer you a free 10x10 booth in the festival. In order to receive your courtesy booth you will need to fill out the application form below to request a booth space. You have until August 1st to request your booth space or we will place a vendor in front of your business. We will try to make sure you are as close to the front of your establishment as we can offer. You will be allowed to sell any items that you sell in your store in your booth with exceptions. We do not allow any alcohol in the festival. You can not have any amplified sound of any kind. If you wish to sell items that you do not sell already in your store then you will need to email us with the details of your request before approval. We will email you to let you know we have accepted your application and will provide you with a courtesy vendor booth (not specific location) by August 15th.
Thank you for wanting to be part of the 2025 Lincoln County Apple Festival!
You can email us at lcapplefestival1972@gmail.com
Deadline is August 1st